Day 1 of 21 Day Fix

Monday was Day 1 of the 21 day fix… in Beachbody terms that means Plyo Extreme. I am going to keep it simple and all I have to say is OUCH! It is now 2 days later and I still can’t quite sit on the toilet without cringing. This is actually my 7th round of…

Bench Workout

After a long Holiday weekend (4th of July) that consisted of lot’s of food and drinks I decided to squeeze in an Extra Lunch Workout. Feel Free to Join me… this definitely gave me the Extra Little Butt Kicking I needed today. Let me know if you give it a try 🙂 5-6 Rounds 30-45…

4th of July Slip Up

Hey Girl Hey!!! I am posting this as a reminder to all out there that may have slipped up on their health routine/nutrition this 4th of July Weekend! You are not Alone!! Although my Fitness was on point my nutrition was pretty bad. I ate chips, Pizza, deep fried pickles and drank some Beer… Because…

Why Skinny Doesn’t Matter

If your reason to workout is to be skinny… Girl you got it all wrong! If that’s the only motive you are in it for than most likely you won’t last more than 2 weeks. Trust me I have been there before! You will get obsessed, disappointed, and you will never be satisfied. In order…